
How to Merge PDF Files on windows And Mac

in this Article i will tell you How to Merge PDF Files on windows and mac. Portable Document Format or PDF, is one of the most commonly used file formats to view, edit, and open documents. The format has garnered the attention of a large number of users owing to its universal approach and compatibility across devices.

If you’re someone who actively works with PDF files throughout his routine, you might have come across situations where you might want to combine PDF files into a single file. Here are steps to combine pdf files on different platforms.

The default PDF file viewer in Windows operating system comes with limited functionalities and does not allow you to combine PDF files. Instead, you can use third-party PDF reader software to merge PDF files in Windows 10. We recommend the following two popular software for the task. below steps to Marge PDF Files on Windows And Mac.

How to Merge PDF Files on windows

Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader is one of the most popular PDF readers for Windows 10. You can get the feature to merge PDF files in the premium version of Adobe Acrobat Standard DC which you can purchase from Official Website. In case, it’s a one-off affair, then maybe just take advantage of its free trial.

To combine PDF files, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Launch Adobe Acrobat DC PDF Reader.
  2. Go to the ‘Tools’ tab and choose the ‘Combine files’ option from there.
  3. Click on the “Add Files” option and choose the PDF files you want to merge. You can merge PDFs as well as a mix of PDF files and other files.
  4. Adobe PDF Reader also offers you an option to reorder files as you want.
  5. Once you’re done with arranging the files in the desired order, click on the “Combine Files” option to merge PDFs.
  6. Click on the Save button to save the newly created file.
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WonderShare PDFelement

If you deal with PDF files on a regular basis, Wondershare PDFelement is one of the tools we’d recommend to increase your productivity. Here are the steps to combine PDFs using Wondershare PDFelement in Windows 10 or earlier.

  1. Launch PDFelement Pro and open any of the PDF files that you want to merge by dragging it on the main window.
  2. Go to the ‘Page’ tab and choose ‘Insert’ option from there. Next, choose the files that you want to merge.
  3. The tool also allows you to edit or compress the merged PDF files as per your convenience.
  4. Store the file in the desired location by clicking on the Save option.

How to Merge PDF Files on Mac

If you’re using a computer running macOS, the process to merge PDFs is fairly simple as the default Preview app in Mac devices is equipped with the functionality to combine PDF files.

Here’s how you can merge PDFs on Mac devices:

  1. Open the PDF file to be merged using the Preview app.
  2. Go to View > Thumbnail to display thumbnails on the side panel.
  3. Select a page thumbnail where you want to insert another file in order to merge PDFs.
  4. Choose Edit > Insert > Page from File> select the PDF that you want to add, then click Open.
  5. Next, save the file by clicking on ‘File’ and then choosing the ‘Export as PDF’ option.

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