
How to Backup your Facebook Post images and Data

Facebook offers users the ability to backup a copy of their Facebook data and download to their local computer. This data includes your posts, Photos, videos, messages, your profile file, and information stored in the about section. To Create a backup. Follow below steps to backup your Facebook Post images and data.

How to Backup your Facebook Post images and Data
  1. Open the Facebook menu by clicking on the down arrow Next to the question mark in Facebook navigation header.
  2. Once the menu is open Click on the settings link and then make sure are viewing the General account setting.
  3. At the bottom of the General setting, you will see a link titled “Download a copy of your Facebook data.
  4. Click on this link to begin the process of creating a backup. As part of this process, Facebook will first prompt you to enter your password before creating the archive. It will then begin to create your data backup.
  5. When its finished will email you that the data backup is ready to be downloaded.
  6. you can now go back to the General Account Settings page and click on the Download a Copy link again.
  7. This time you will be presented with a screen that status your backup is ready. If you click oh the Download Archive button, you be prompted to enter you password and then the backup will be downloaded.
  8. This download will be send as a zip file and will contain numerous folders and file that contain your data.

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