How to Fix Bad image Error in Ms office

Many users of Microsoft office 2013,16, 365, older version of office and even standalone office application have reported an issue where specific office applications simply refuse to launch successfully. Every time they are launched, an error message with the code 0xc000012f is displayed. This issue has been known to be able to affect all kinds of office applications. Plague computers running on all versions of the windows operating system. The entire error message, although it may be slightly different depending on the affected office application. Where on the affected computer office or the office application in question in installed, usually reads something like. Below steps to fix bed image Error in Ms office

How to Fix Bad image Error

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. search for Programs and features.
  3. Click on the search result titled programs and features.
  4. Right click on the Microsoft office product that you want to repair and lick on change in the context menu. If you have an entire suite of office applications Such as office 365 or office Home and student 2013/2016 installed. You are going to want to look for that. However, if you only have one standalone office applications such as word or excel installed. You are going to want to look for them.
  5. If you are asked how you want the installation to be changed, select Repair. Click on continue and go through the reset of the wizard.
  6. If you are met with the how would you like to repair your office programs screen select online Repair. Then click on Repair.
  7. Follow the rest of the onscreen instruction to initiate the online Repair and get through the wizard.
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If an online Repair is unable to solve the problem for you, You might want to try completely uninstalling the office suite or standalone office application that are installed on your computer.

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