How to Stop Windows Update Services
In This article here i tell you how to stop windows update services
How to Stop Windows Update Services
- Open Run dialogue box. Pressing on Keyboard Windows Key +R or alternatively can search from the start menu.
- Type msc and Click on button.
- In the opened box, search for Startup Type label.
- Change it to Disabled.
- Restart your Computer.
Stop Windows Update with Regedit
- Open Run dialogue box.
- Type Regedit and hit enter.
- in the registry go to the following location path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU
- Now create a 32-bit DWORD value called Au Options and under Value Data type 2 and click on OK.
- Now to check for updates go to Settings and navigate to > Update and Security > Windows Updates. Click on ‘Check for updates’ which applies the new configuration setting.
- Restart your device.
Stop Window Update With Control Panel
- Open the Control Panel & Go to Windows Update Setting.
- Click on the advance Setting in windows update.
- In the Update options, you must disable the automatically download updates.
- You can turn off other products updates also by disabling the switch.
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