How To Fix Windows Error 0x800703E6
This error is usually caused by corrupted registry keys & corrupted or missing Dll files. Follow Below steps to fix windows error 0x800703E6 code.
Turn off your Windows firewall
- Open the run command win key + R and type following command Firewall.cpl
- open the Windows Firewall appear.
- Click Enable or disable the Windows firewall.
- In the Private Network setting, select Disable Windows Firewall.
- The same applies to the public network setting and press OK.
- when the problem is solved, you must activate the Windows firewall.
Repair & Optimizer Tool
- Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Win 10, 8, 7).
- Lunch application and Click Start Scan to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems.
- Click Repair All to fix all issues.
windows update
- Open windows Settings.
- Click on Update and Security in windows setting .
- Click on Windows Update.
- Then Click on the Check for Updates button.
Update Driver
- Open the system properties.
- Click on the Device manager in the left panel.
- update the yellow Sign driver.
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