
How to Fix Missing Api-ms-win-crt-runtime 1-1-0.dll

If you try to run a program an receive an error starting that the Api-ms-win-crt-runtime 1-1-0.dll is missing from your PC. You can use this guide to restore the missing Dll so that you program works again.

When programs are created, they are liked to dynamic link libraries that contains code that the programs needs to properly work. If a required Dll is missing, then windows will display an alert telling you the name of the missing dll so that you can try and resolve the problem.

If you run a program and receive the following error. You need to install the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable package using the instructions below to Fix Missing Api ms win crt runtime 1-1-0.dll.

How to Fix Missing Api-ms-win-crt runtime 1-1-0.dll

  1. Go to the Microsoft visual C++ Redistributable page from Microsoft and click on the Download button.
  2. you will be brought to opage where it asks you to select whether you want to download the 32 bit or 64bit version of windows. Select the version you need and click the next button.
  3. If you are unsure what version you need, you can use this tutorial to determine what you need.
  4. The file will now download to your computer. Once downloaded, double-click on the downloaded vc_redist.x64.exe file.
  5. The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable screen will be displayed and ask you to agree to the license terms and conditions. Put check mark in the “i Agree” box and then click on the install button.
  6. If windows prompts you to allow the program to make changes or continue, click on the Yes or Allow button.
  7. When done, the program will display a message stating that it was successfully install.
  8. You can now close installer.
See also  Fix Windows Could Not Find Recovery Environment

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