
Zong Internet Daily weekly monthly Bundle

Follow the steps mentioned below to activate Zong Internet Daily weekly monthly Bundle 2G 3G & 4G

Daily Internet Bundle

Daily Internet Bundle Subscription , Unsubscribe Price and USSD Code below mentioned.

Bundle Validity Volume Subscription unsubscription Price
Facebook Daily1 Day50MB*6464# Follow instruction (unsub fb daily) to 6464 Rs. 5
Twitter Daily1 Day20 MB*6464# Follow instruction Rs. 2 + Tax
Good Night Offer1 Day2.5 GBGNO TO 6464 (unsub GNO) to 6464 Rs. 16 + Tax
Daily Basic1 Day 100 MB*6464# Follow instruction (unsub db) to 6464Rs.17 + Tax
Zong Day Time Offer 1 Day 1.2 GB *47# (unsub dto) to 6464 Rs. 16+ Tax
Daily Data Max1 Day500 MB*6464# Follow instruction (unsub dp) to 6464 Rs 38 + Tax
Social Pack1 Day100MB Fb, Twitter, Whatsapp*6464#(unsub social) to 6464Rs 10 +Tax
Classified Pack1 Day50 MB *6464# Follow instructionRs. 5 + Tax

Weekly Internet Bundle

weekly 3G 4G Internet Bundle Subscription , Unsubscribe Price and USSD Code below mentioned.

Bundle validity Volume Subscription unsubscription Price
weekly YouTube offer 7 Days8 GB*570#Rs.100 +Tax
Super weekly7 Days2.5GB*102#Unsub w to 6464Rs.123 +Tax
Super Weekly Plus7 Days7 GB*20#unsub swp to 6464Rs. 164 +Tax
Super Weekly MAX7 Day25GB [10 GB+5GB(4am to 4PM) +10 Gb YouTube Data*220#Rs. 201+ Tax

Monthly internet Package

Monthly Internet Package Subscription , Unsubscribe Price and USSD Code below mentioned.

Bundle validity Volume Subscription unsubscription Price
Whatsapp offer30 Days4 GB*247#Unsubsm to 6464Rs.30+Tax
IMO30 Days2GB*466#Unsub imo to 6464Rs.30 +Tax
30 Days7 GB*20#unsub swp to 6464Rs. 164 +Tax
Monthly Facebook Offer 30 Day6 GB*250#Rs. 70+ Tax Load Rs.90
Zong monthly mini 15030 Days150MB*6464#Rs.50 + Tax
Monthly Basic 50030 Day 500 MB*6464#Rs/150 +tax
Monthly Premium 30 Day 3 GB*6464#Rs 300 + Tax
All in One Monthly 50030 Days On Net mint 2000 +ofnet 50 + 2000 SMS + 2000 MB+ 2000 MB Social *6464#Rs.500
See also  Zong Daily Weekly And Monthly Internet Packages 2021-2022