
How to lock or Save Telenor and Ufone Balance

If you want to save your mobile balance on any network sim or if you want to use free internet. Free internet can be used by using Super VPN. But in order to save your balance in your sim despite using VPN. As telenor and Ufone Unlike other networks, they don’t have any specific code in order to do so. so this is the method which will help you to lock or Save Telenor and Ufone Balance without using any code.

How to lock or Save Telenor and Ufone Balance

  1. First open the android setting.
  2. Tab on wirelesses and Network. ( This option is different on all mobile e.g Network setting, More >network setting, Mobile Network)
  3. Then tab on Mobile Data.
  4. Mobile Data setting appear. Tab on Network App.
  5. Now you see a list with all your installed apps.
  6. Check marks on the corresponding packages for their access to mobile data. e.g if you have the data package for Facebook then you have to check mark on that Facebook app. Now those apps that have been unchecked, They won’t use any of the mobile data.
  7. done.

How to lock or Save Telenor and Ufone Balance watch Video

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