Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Mastering Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys: The Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of slow work pace while using Coral Draw? Look no further than our comprehensive guide to mastering Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys. Boost your productivity and streamline your work with ease.

Coral Draw is a popular graphic design software used by professionals and amateurs alike. It’s an all-in-one solution for vector graphics, illustration, photo editing, and layout design. While Coral Draw offers a wide range of features, the tool can be a little tricky to navigate, and navigating the software can be time-consuming. Fortunately, mastering the Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys can help you work faster and more efficiently.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to take advantage of Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys to help you navigate the software with ease. You’ll learn how to create shortcuts for your most frequently used tools, how to customize your keys, and how to access a complete list of shortcuts for Coral Draw.

The following coral draw shortcut keys are the most used once. I have tried my best to help you with a complete list of Coral Draw Suite, Short cut keys can Help you work more quickly. Below you will find a list of all action available to use in Coral Draw.

See also  Microsoft Access Shortcut Keys

Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys

Shift + EDistribute centers horizontally
Shift + CDistribute centers vertically
Shift + LDistribute left
Shift + RDistribute right
Shift + PDistribute spacing horizontally
Shift + ADistribute spacing vertically
Shift + TDistribute top
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + InsertCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + DeleteCUt
Ctrl + DDuplicate
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + RRepeat
Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + BackspaceUndo
Ctrl + EExport
Ctrl + IImport
Ctrl + NNew document
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + Shift + SSave as
Ctrl + F4Exit
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + Shift + FFont list
Ctrl + Shift + WFOnt weight
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + Shift + KSmaall caps
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + Numpad 2Decrease font size
Ctrl + Shift + PFont size
Ctrl + Shift + HHTML font size
Ctrl + Numpad 8Increase font size
Ctrl + Numpad 6Next font combo size
Ctrl + Numpad 4Previous font combo size
Shift + F3Change case
Ctrl + F8Convert text
F11Open fountain fill dialog
Shift + F11Uniform fill dialog
Ctrl + Shift + BColor balance
Ctrl + BBrightness/intensity
Ctrl + Shift + UHue/saturation
Down arrowNudge Down
Left arrowNudge left
RIght arrowNudge right
Up arrowNudge up
Shift + Down arrowSuper Nudge down
Shift + Left arrowSuper nudge left
Shift + Up arrowSuper nudge up
Shift + Right arrowSuper nudge right
Shift + Down arrowMicro nudge down
Shift + Left arrowSuper nudge left
Shift + RIght arrowSuper nudge right
Shift + Up arrowSuper nudge up
Ctrl + Page downBack one
Ctrl + Page upForward one
Shift + Page upTo back
Shift + page downTo front
Shift + F12Open outline color dialog
F12Open outline pen dialog
Page DownNext page
Page UpPrevious page
Ctrl + MBullet text
Ctrl + ECenter justify
Ctrl + F8Convert text state
Ctrl + Shift + DApply drop cap
Ctrl + Shift + TEdit text
Ctrl + HForce justification
Ctrl + TFormat text
Ctrl + JFull justify
Ctrl + ,Horizontal text
Ctrl + LLeft justification
Ctrl + NNo justification
Ctrl + RRight justification
Ctrl + PeriodVertical text
HHand tool
Alt + Down arrowPan down
Alt + Left arrowPan left
Alt + Pan arrowPan up
Ctrl + F2View manager
F2Zoom one shot
F3Zoom out
F4Zoom to all object
Shift + F4Zoom to page
Shift + F2Zoom to selection
IArtistic media tools
XEraser tool
F7Ellipse tool
ShiftToggle eyedropper and paint bucket
F5Freehand tool
DGraph paper tool
GInteractive fill tool
MMesh tool
YPolygon tool
F6Rectangle tool
F10Shape tool
SSmart drawing tool
ASpiral tool
F8Text tool
SpacebarToggle pick state
DeleteDelete character to right
Ctrl + DeleteDelete word to right
Page downCursor down one frame
Down arrowCursor down one line
Ctrl + Down arrowCursor left one paragraph
Left arrowCursor left one character
Ctrl + Left arrowCursor left one word
RIght arrowCursor right one character
Ctrl + Right arrowCursor right one word
Page upCursor up one frame
Up arrowCursor up one line
Ctrl + Up arrowCursor up one paragraph
Ctrl + HomeCursor to start of text
HomeCursor start of a line
Ctrl + Page upCursor to start of text
EndCursor to end of line
Ctrl + Page downCursor to end of text
Ctrl + ASelect all text
Shift + Left arrowSelect character to left
Shift + RIght arrowSelect character to right
Shift + Page DownSelect down one frame
Shift + Down arrowSelect down one line
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrowSelect down one paragraph
Shift + Page downSelect up one frame
Shift + Up arrowSelect up one line
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowSelect up one paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrowSelect word to left

What are Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys?

Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys are a combination of keys that can be used to perform various tasks in Coral Draw quickly. The shortcut keys are used to speed up work processes and improve productivity by reducing the number of mouse clicks needed to access certain tools.

See also  Notepad Plus Shortcut Keys

H2: Why should you use Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys?

Using Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys can significantly increase your productivity. Here are some reasons why you should consider using shortcut keys:

  1. Faster workflow: Using shortcut keys allows you to perform tasks quickly, reducing the time needed to complete a task.
  2. More efficient navigation: With shortcut keys, you can easily navigate Coral Draw without using the mouse.
  3. Fewer errors: When using a mouse, you may make mistakes, such as clicking on the wrong button. With shortcut keys, you can avoid these errors.

How to create Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys?

Creating Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys is easy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Coral Draw and select the tool you want to create a shortcut for.
  2. Click on the “Tools” menu and select “Customization.”
  3. In the Customization dialog box, click on the “Commands” tab.
  4. Select the tool you want to create a shortcut for from the list of commands.
  5. Click on the “Shortcut keys” button.
  6. Type the key combination you want to use for the shortcut in the “Press new shortcut key” field.
  7. Click on the “Assign” button to save the shortcut.

How to customize Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys?

Customizing Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys can help you work more efficiently. Here’s how to customize your shortcut keys:

  1. Open Coral Draw and click on the “Tools” menu.
  2. Select “Customization” from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Customization dialog box, click on the “Commands” tab.
  4. Select the tool you want to customize from the list of commands.
  5. Click on the “Shortcut keys” button.
  6. In the “Current shortcut key(s)” field, you will see the existing shortcut key for the selected tool.
  7. To change the shortcut key, click on the “Remove” button to delete the existing shortcut key.
  8. Type the new key combination you want to use for the shortcut in the “Press new shortcut key” field.
  9. Click on the “Assign” button to save the new shortcut.
See also  Computer Shortcut Keys By IT Tech Juice

What are some of the most commonly used Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys?

Here are some of the most commonly used Coral Draw Suite Short Cut Keys:

  1. Ctrl + C: Copy
  2. Ctrl + V